In continuation with the activities and partnerships of the KEEF, today an agreement for financial support was signed with GIZ Kosovo.

This support will assist the Fund in further developing the implementation of energy efficiency measures across various sectors, while also contributing to the creation of a sustainable financing program for the future

Driton B. Hetemi, the Managing Director of KEEF, in a meeting with GIZ Director in Kosovo, David Oberhuber expressed gratitude to GIZ Kosovo for their ongoing support, which positively impacts the Fund’s activities.

On behalf of the German Government, GIZ Kosovo has been closely aligned with KEEF since its establishment, consistently providing professional support to enhance the institution’s capacity in achieving its objectives.

KEEF aims to be a reliable and robust institution with a broad portfolio of financing projects related to energy efficiency and the integration of renewable resources in public buildings, residential sector, and later in business, transportation, and agriculture sectors.

Kosovo municipalities can now apply for grants for energy efficiency in social housing.

We are pleased to announce before the mayors of the municipalities, in the presence of the Prime Minister Mr. Kurti, ministers Mrs. Rizvanolli, Mr. Murat, Mr. Krasniqi and representatives of the EU office in Kosovo Mr. Bianchiardi, that MD KEEF Mr. Ismaili presented the EE measures for the implementation of the Emergency Project. This project aims to improve energy saving and increase the well-being of citizens in multi-residential social buildings owned by municipalities in Kosovo.

This project is part of the Emergency Package for Energy, financed by the EU within the framework of the IPA program, arranged by GRK, which has also approved the Action Plan, which, according to measure 3, delegates the responsibility for its implementation to KEEF .

The measures for multi-residential buildings (social housing) will be implemented in cooperation with the Municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo, through the co-financing model, with which KEEF will contribute with 90% of the investment (non-refundable funds), while the Municipalities will contribute with only 10% of the investment value. This is the first time that a local institution implements such measures in the residential sector in Kosovo.

On this occasion, in the meeting organized for this purpose, the Public Call for Applications from the Municipalities of the Republic of Kosovo was officially opened.

We thank the EU and GRK for the realization of this project, while we welcome the cooperation of the municipalities in the realization of the project for the achievement of common objectives at the country level.

All interested municipalities are invited to submit their applications, according to the Public Call presented in the link below, which will be open until April 17, 2023.

Investments in energy efficiency measures are inaugurated in the “Bill Clinton” Sports Hall in Ferizaj.

With the presence of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kosovo Mr. Kurti and the Minister Mrs. Rizvanolli, the Mayor of the Municipality Mr. Aliu, the Managing Director of FKEE Mr. Ismaili, and representatives of the Donors Mr. Paolucci from the World Bank, as well as Mr. Bianchardi from the European Union, the project was inaugurated in the hall of the “Bill Clinton” Sports Hall. in Ferizaj.

The investment was made by the Kosovo Fund for Energy Efficiency, in the amount of nearly 490 thousand euros, through a collaboration with the Municipality of Ferizaj, financed by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, the World Bank and the European Union.

This is among the most complex projects in terms of architecture, but at the same time the combination of energy efficiency measures, which have, in addition to the aim of saving energy, an estimated 52% of the basic consumption, positively affecting the environment, conditions and well-being for athletes and fans of sport and culture in the city of Ferizaj.

The energy efficiency measures implemented are: thermal insulation of the roof, installation of flat solar collectors (total surface 38.4m2) for heating sanitary water, external thermal insulation of the walls, replacement of old windows and doors with efficient new ones. , the installation of two new biomass/pellet boilers for central heating (capacity 600 kW), the replacement of old radiators and the installation of new radiators, and the replacement of old lighting fixtures with new LED ones (152 light fixtures).

The inauguration of this project was carried out in the wake of the projects that FKEE is carrying out through the municipalities of Kosovo in public buildings within its mechanism.

The FKEE Board thanks the Government of Justice of Kosovo, the Donors the European Union and the World Bank, as well as the partner Municipalities, staff, governors, partners and contractors for their contribution.

(Some photos showing the facility before and after the measures taken, as well as moments from the inauguration ceremony are presented below).

Shkolla “Emin Duraku” në Shtime është një nga objektet që përfiton nga aplikimi i masave për efiçiencë të energjisë nga Fondi i Kosovës për Efiçiencë të Energjisë.

Përfundimin e punimeve në këtë objekt e përuruan Drejtori Menaxhues z.Ahmet Ismaili dhe Kryesuesi i Bordit të KEEF-it së bashku me kryetarin e Komunës së Shtimes z.Qemajl Alium dhe donatorët Ministren e Ekonomisë znj.Artane Rizvanolli znj.AnnaCarin Platon – Zyra e BE-së dhe znj. Elene Imnadze – Banka Botërore. Renovimet përfshijnë termoizolimin e mbështjellësit, ndërrimin e dritareve dhe dyerve me ato efikase PVC dhe ndërrimin e ndriçuesve me ndriçim efikas – LED.

Shuma e investimit është mbi 198 mijë euro, ndërsa përfitues të drejtpërdrejtë janë mbi 720 nxënës dhe staf të kësaj shkolle.

Me praninë e Drejtorit Menaxhues z. Ahmet Ismaili, Kryetarit të Komunës së Malishevës z. Ekrem Kastrati, Zëvendës Shefit për Bashkëpunim në Zyrën e BE-së z. Alessandro Bianciardi, Zëvendës Ministrit të Ekonomisë z. Getoar Mjeku, Rhedon Begolli – Specialist i lartë i Energjisë në Bankën Botërore dhe përfaqësues të tjerë të partnerëve tanë, masat për efiçiencë energjetike në vlerë prej 411,213.50 euro të investuara nga Fondi i Kosovës për Efiçiencë të Energjisë janë inauguruar në objektin e Komunës dhe shkollën “Hamdi Berisha” në Malishevë.

Masat e efiçiencës së energjisë që janë zbatuar përfshijnë zëvendësimin e dritareve dhe dyerve të vjetra me të reja efikase, zëvendësimin e ndriçuesve joefikas me LED, vendosjen e një rrjeti të ri ngrohjeje, një kaldaje me pelet në shkollën “Hamdi Berisha”. ndërsa sistemi i ngrohjes me pompë nxehtësie në ndërtesën e Komunës.

Vlerësohet se në godinën e Bashkisë këto masa do të rezultojnë në kursim të energjisë prej rreth 55% dhe se 91 persona do të përfitojnë drejtpërdrejt nga këto investime. Ndërsa në Shkollën “Hamdi Berisha” do të rezultojë një kursim energjie prej rreth 57% dhe përfitues të drejtpërdrejtë do të jenë 1619 nxënës dhe staf të kësaj shkolle.

Falënderojmë Zyrën e BE-së, Bankën Botërore dhe Ministrinë e Ekonomisë për mbështetjen e tyre, si dhe komunën e Malishevës për bashkëpunimin.

On Tuesday, the works on the implementation of efficiency measures were completed at the SHFMU “Rilindja” in Çifllak in Rahovec.
With the support of the European Union, the World Bank and the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, the Kosovo Fund for Energy Efficiency, the thermal insulation of the external envelope, the replacement of windows and external doors, the installation of a pellet boiler and the improvement of the network were made in this school. existing heating, installation of efficient LED lighting.
The managing director of FKEE, Driton Hetemi, said that they are committed to contributing to a sustainable future through the implementation of energy efficiency measures.
There are eight other school buildings in the municipality of Rahovec, in which energy efficiency measures are being implemented, which are an investment of over 1 million and 140 thousand euros.

Driton Hetemi is the new managing director of the Kosovo Fund for Energy Efficiency.

Hetemi has proven experience in project management and implementation, holding management positions for over a decade. For 16 years in a row, he has built expertise in banking and finance, product development, project management, data processing, risk management, business development and public relations.

Hetemi completed his university studies at the University of Southeast Europe in North Macedonia, majoring in Business Administration, while he received an MBA in General Management at the University of Sheffield, from City College in Greece. In addition to studies, Hetemi also has a number of trainings from credible local and international institutions, with a focus on human resource management, environmental management and finance.

He is currently also a member of the Board of the Public Broadcaster of the Republic of Kosovo (RTK).

The Kosovo Fund for Energy Efficiency informs the citizens of the Republic of Kosovo that the application for the public call “Implementation of Energy Efficiency Measures for Individual Residential Houses” is closed.

The premature closure is the result of the acceptance of over 2000 applications, which fulfill the budget intended for subsidizing the measures, insulation of the walls, the roof and the replacement of external doors and windows, up to 45% of the amount (5% bonus for houses that are the property of the wife or co-ownership of the couple) not exceeding the maximum limit of 5500 euros.

We remind you that the applications have started to be reviewed according to the order of their arrival and the first pre-approval letters have already been submitted. All those who accept this document must continue to follow the rules set forth in the public call (Public Call) until the end of the process when they receive the money.

This project is supported by the European Union within the IPA program – Energy Support Package, arranged by the Government of the Republic of Kosovo and implemented by the Kosovo Fund for Energy Efficiency.

The Kosovo Fund for Energy Efficiency, on Monday (07.08.2023) marked the beginning of the implementation of the project “Implementation of Energy Efficiency Measures for Individual Residential Houses”. Through a budget of 10 million euros, citizens will be subsidized up to 45% for the implementation of efficient measures such as: thermal insulation of external walls and the roof, replacement of doors and windows.

FKEE Board Member Nora Arifi informed the audience that an additional bonus of 5%, thus increasing the subsidy to 50%, will be given if the property is co-owned by spouses or if the wife is the owner of the house. Arifi thanked the European Union for financing the project through the Government of the Republic of Kosovo, as well as the Ministry of Economy for the continuous support.

The Minister of Economy, Artane Rizvanolli said that she is happy that a project is starting which will affect the reduction of energy bills for citizens.

The representative of the European Union Office, Alessandro Bianciardi, said that they remain committed to supporting Kosovo on the path to good and clean energy.

The conditions of the application are that the house must be habitable, in 21 of the last 24 months, with electricity consumption of at least 250 kWh/month and if the house does not have thermal insulation or is partially insulated.

The limited subsidy amount is 5,500 euros.

The application is made through the e-Kosova platform, from August 8, 2023.

We are pleased to announce that the Board of Directors of FKEE approved the Project for the application of emergency energy efficiency measures in the residential sector – individual residential houses. This project aims to support family consumers through increasing energy efficiency in individual homes, and is financed by the means of the European Union Emergency Package, provided through the Government of the Republic of Kosovo with the Financial Agreement IPA III.

As a new Program, in accordance with Article 35 (1) of Law No. 06/079 on Energy Efficiency, following the Approval by the Board, the necessary consents from the responsible ministries (Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Finance) have been secured , Work and Transfers).

The project includes subsidizing the cost of implementing selected energy efficiency measures in private (individual) residential houses, such as: external insulation of the house, replacement of windows, entrance door and drainage insulation, according to minimum standards and criteria of defined by FKEE.

The list of subsidized measures for each applicant will be subject to a confirmation by the relevant specialists (energy auditors). The subsidy or reimbursement of the cost of implementing the measures is limited to 45%, or the maximum amount up to 5,500 euros as the upper (maximum) possible limit for a house – individual beneficiary, intended only for private/family residence . However, each application individually, when the process is opened, will be handled by the relevant commission, determining and notifying the maximum subsidy amount for each case separately, through an official notice issued as pre-approval by FKEE. Therefore, these data are generalized to the project level. Other details will be determined and published in due course.

The budget for this measure will be 10 million euros and it is expected that more than 1,600 families will benefit in different stages within the project implementation period.

The purpose of this notice is to notify all citizens of this opportunity to take it into account in their plans. This will be the first time that an institution of the Republic of Kosovo implements such a measure in Kosovo, which simultaneously marks the beginning of the implementation of measures in the residential sector, after the start of the implementation of the project for multi-residential municipal social housing facilities.

You will be notified about the opening of calls for applications for benefits from all citizens of Kosovo through a special announcement soon, including all other relevant information for the application, as well as detailed instructions.

The Board of Directors of FKEE thanks the European Union for providing funds and support, as well as the Government of Kosovo for the trust and support for the implementation of these measures.